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Every day, you can find new places to buy ebooks. It is not hard to see why they are becoming more popular each year. Here are five of the top places that anyone can go to purchase an ebook. You may already be familiar with one or two, but it never hurts to learn about a few more! #1) Google Play #2) iTunes #3) Nook by Barnes and Noble #4) Android Market #5) Kobo Books The first step in overcoming writer's block is acknowledging the problem exists. While you may not experience writer's block personally, there is a good chance that someone around you has. There's a million ways to combat the problem, and a lot of different things to try until you find a solution. One thing that has been proven to work time and time again is getting away from your computer. While taking a break from your story can be difficult for some people, especially those who are aiming to publish as soon as possible, it's something that needs to be done if you're going to solve this issue. You might find the following tips helpful the next time you (or someone else) experiences writer's block. Some tips to try include:1. Don't worry about the length of your book. One of the main reasons people have writer's block is because they are concerned about the length of their book. The good news is that if you go back to read your work, you can cut out all of the unnecessary details and create a more streamlined outline. Then, when you go through it again, revise it to ensure that it sounds clear and gives just enough detail for any reader to understand what is going on in your scene. If you need help with revising your work, there are plenty of professionals out there who are competent in editing manuscripts. 2. Take a break from writing. If you're not feeling inspired, you aren't going to be able to write a quality book. Instead of trying to force it, take a break from writing and do something else. This might be going for a walk or doing something fun with your family or friends. Remember that inspiration can come anywhere at any time. 3. When you return to your work after getting some fresh air, look over it again and really think about what the problem is with your book. Maybe there is just one chapter that needs some work that isn't coming out as well as the rest of the book. If that's the case, take a small break from writing to go through the whole book again and revise it. Look over your favorite books to get an idea of what you should be doing. No matter what, finish your book! 4. Create a schedule and stick to it. If you have a set time for working on your book every day, things will get done much more efficiently. This will also help you develop better habits when it comes to writing. cfa1e77820