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Watch Online Satyagraha Mp4 4k English Kickass Mkv Subtitles


What is Satyagraha? The word Satyagraha was created by Gandhi to describe his philosophy of nonviolent social change. The literal translation of Satyagraha is "truth-force". The word "Satya" means truth while "Agraha" means force or firmness. Hence, the two words together mean the resilience of people when faced with oppressors who are not open to new information and continue with oppressive behavior. It is one of Gandhi's most powerful concepts, and it became his greatest teaching tool against racial discrimination in South Africa. Gandhi's political goal was always to secure Indian rights, which were taken away at the time of their colonization. His method to achieve this goal was Satyagraha. It was a philosophy of action, which meant peaceful resistance. Satyagraha can be seen as a form of nonviolent resistance that aims at forcing the opponent to take notice of injustice or harassment without resorting to physical combat or violence. Unlike passive resistance, which attempts to reduce harm by appealing for mercy from the opponent, Satyagraha believes in directly forcing the opponent into submission by means of self-suffering. Gandhi believed in the ability of the truth to change hearts and minds. The truth-force in Satyagraha was "satya" or truth. This force manifested in many forms. One was the practice of truth-force in public meetings, where Gandhi showed his disciples tolerance, honesty, vigour and determination against all forms of oppression. The other form was fasting for long periods of time (up to 22 days) to call for justice for all living beings. The third form was the methods employed to achieve self-suffering methods by techniques such as civil disobedience (also termed ‘dharma chaita’) whereby he would voluntarily do manual labour that would normally be unpleasant or dangerous. According to Gandhi, Satyagraha was not just a political movement but essentially religious at heart. Gandhi used the principles of this religion to achieve independence, raise the masses and bring equality amongst all classes of people. He wanted people to be more spiritual and less materialistic. He wanted Indians to use their innate strength, wisdom and truth to bring about social change without resorting to violence or racism. Satyagraha is "truth force." It is also sometimes referred to as Passive Resistance or Civil Disobedience. Passive resistance is the most accepted translation of Satyagraha. Gandhi promoted it as a force for social change. Gandhi expressed his belief in this method of protest numerous times, "My doctrine is that if we could only make the whole world passive, it would be better"; "Satyagraha is resistance to evil by suffering"; "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…the doctrine of love [and truth] can be realized only through suffering." Gandhi did not consider Satyagraha a form of resistance but a philosophy of life. Satyagraha is based on the belief that goodness and truth can triumph over evil and injustice. This does not mean passivity, but instead direct action motivated by the intent to do good. 75cfa1e7782067



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